HUGA - Holos User Gourp Australasia
HUGA stands for Holos User Gourp Australasia
Here you will find, what does HUGA stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Holos User Gourp Australasia? Holos User Gourp Australasia can be abbreviated as HUGA What does HUGA stand for? HUGA stands for Holos User Gourp Australasia. What does Holos User Gourp Australasia mean?Holos User Gourp Australasia is an expansion of HUGA
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- HIMTC Hauraruni International Missionary Training Centre
- HH Hearts and Hands
- HSIG Help and Shelter Inc, Guyana
- HAF Help for the Andes Foundation
- HUA Hipolito Unanue Agreemtn
- HTPHH Homestay Tourism Project "Huascar Huandy"
- HCP Hope for Children, Peru
- HC Hope for the Children
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- HEduBT European Association for Higher Education in Biotechnology
- HC Handmaids of Charity
- HFATW Heart Friends Around the World
- HCES Hellenic Centre for European Sutdies